Pregnancy is maybe the most important period in woman΄s and a couple’s life. The outcome of this period is the miracle of birth but also it is a unique opportunity to investigate and understand the magical creative forces of life. So through this amazing period not only strong, happy children but also strong, confident, happy parents were born!
The scientific community admits now, that the intrauterine life is vital for humans. Of course the quality of this life is defined by the thoughts, feelings and actions of the expectant mother. The more calm, conscious and without problems of any kind is the mother, the happier and healthier child will be born.
One of the basics, of this complex and unique process, is pregnant woman to learn to listen, respect and take care of her own body. In previous years the entire care was for the fetus and not for the mother which was considered simply as "vehicle". But now it turns out that the changes in mind, environment, and body and eventually to the soul of the woman is playing a key role. Because her body, as the final recipient of these changes, affects to the physical and mental development of the fetus.